Friday 25 November 2011

Video of the week - II

Obs: The following video has way too much truth. Viewer discretion is advised! =)

One of the best videos I have ever seen. I really would like to give a trophy that means something for the person who made it. =)

Here are my favorite quotations:

1) "(...) In fact they (the monkeys) love to list all the things that they think separate them from the animals."
2)  "The monkeys worry about everything but mostly about what all the other monkeys think.
Because the monkeys desperately want to fit in with the other monkeys."

3) "(...) Then the monkeys start to argue over whose made up god is better."
4) "Some of the monkeys think they've got it all figured out."
5) "The monkeys like to pretend that everything is just fine."
6) "Some of the monkeys actually believe that the entire universe was created for their benefit."

Hope you like it! ;)

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