Sunday, 19 February 2012

Things I like about New Zealand I - Kind people

Almost everyone in New Zealand is always very helpful and kind with me. Whether I'm asking for some information on where to go, buying something or just starting a conversation, most people always treat me very well and I don't have many complaints about it (except for some minor people that were rude).

When I'm asking for some information on where to go (and I do that almost every day), for instance, people usually stop (that is, they don't have that "time is money" thinking that I often see in American movies where people are always in such a hurry that they won't even stop and help you for a few seconds) and explain me in detail how I can get there. There was even one time when I asked a woman how I could go to "So and So Street". She explained it to me and everything. I then started to follow her instructions. However, she realized, after we were separated for almost half a block away, that she had given me the wrong directions. She then came running in my direction just to correct the previous information she had gave me. Pretty nice, isn't it?

Another example is when people get off the bus. I would say that about 60% of them say "Thank you" to the bus driver. That's is something really nice to see.

And last, but not least, when you are in stores, you are usually well treated as well. Ok, that's is something you would expect anywhere (because they want you to buy their products). However, it was just in one of those stores that I met probably the most rude person in New Zealand! I came into the store and asked for some information about a phone. It looked like he was doing a favor for me. Never mind, there are some rude people everywhere in the world, I'm sure of that!

See you!

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