Thursday 9 February 2012

Auckland Public Library

Yesterday I went to the Auckland Public Library (specifically the one next to Albert Park, right in the CBD). It is a very clean and tidy place. There is even a small coffee shop inside it! I saw lots of tourists and backpackers there too. I asked the woman by the door if I could enter with my backpack. She said I could, but told me to keep an eye on it because a lot of people were complaining that their things got stolen inside the library lately.

The library has 3 floors and it offers free wireless Internet (with a limit of 100MB per day). There are also CDs, Comic strips (!) and DVDs (!!) available (something I've never seen in a library before). In the CD area, there are some CD players you can use. Just grab a CD, go to a desk that has a CD player and start to play it! It's that simple.

In short, the Auckland Public Library is a must go. When I'm tired of walking around the city, but feel it's still too soon to go home, I always go to the library to hang out. There is no better place for it in downtown.

Here goes some pictures:

See you!!

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