Wednesday 15 February 2012

Auckland's Night Market

Last Saturday I went to the Night Market1. It is just like a Market in Brazil. The only difference is that the "New Zealand version" is inside a parking lot! Also, 90% of the stores were just selling food. The other 10% were selling souvenirs and cell phone covers.

If you want to eat some junk food, you need to go to the Night Market. It is not very big compared to the ones I know in Brazil (specially Curitiba), however, it has its charms. It is not a must, though. There are more interesting places to go in Auckland.

I'll upload a video I made in the Market soon... or, well... at least as soon as I find some place that doesn't have some tiny limit of uploads/downloads... Right now I'm writing this post from a Coffee Shop in Downtown. And guess what? Their Internet also limits downloading up to 60MB... I can understand why they apply these restrictions, but come on! What can I do with 60MB?? Maybe checking my emails and some news... and that's it! Anyway, I have already complained about the Internet in New Zealand here2, so I won't go any further... =P

See you!!

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